
“Per Aspera Ad Astra” ( Latin expression meaning «through hardship to the stars» ) is a Sheith charity Zine focused on the growth of Shiro and Keith since their first meeting up to their unknown future together. We want to portray them in the past (pre-Kerberos time), present (Voltron time) and future (after the war, in a peaceful -or not- universe).

This zine has been created by eight italian sheithers eager to give Sheith a fanzine that does justice to their story, throught their time together: Sheith is undubtly one (if not the most) beautiful relationship in Voltron. Romantic or not, it still is.

We truly hope to make, with all of you, not just a zine, but an experience to embrance, love and remember, even after the end of Voltron.